Monday, November 29, 2010


All of these types of technology cause some kinda of negative effect on society.  Whether it's the decrease in face-to-face communication or distractions while driving, the use of technology comes at a price.  Technology should not be used as a substitute for face-to-face communication or general knowledge.  It should only be used as another way to communicate or reinforce knowledge.  It's also important to follow warnings about using certain forms of technology while driving a vehicle.  As long as precautions are taken and the amount of time spent using these technologies is kept to a minimum, they can be a great asset.


  1. I agree with the danger technology can pose, it was designed to aid us but at the same time it can be abused and lead to serious damages. Whether it be a car reck caused by texting and driving or a behavioral disorder done by too much time on the internet.
    I have a blog discussing how technolgy influences college students- a project launched by my english class.

  2. Being a subscriber of a business broadband in Australia, I must be responsible in using technology.
